Volume 2006 / Issue 1
Andrea Preissová Krejčí, Libuše Čadová
Hodnotová orientace a životní postoje současných adolescentů
Klíčová slova: adolescent, antropologie, člověk, edukační proces, hodnoty a postoje, chování, mravnost, společnost, učitel, víra, výzkum, vztah, žák
Jazyk článku: česky
Value orientation and mental attitudes of the adolescents
Keywords: adolescent, anthropology, human, educational process, values and attitudes, behaviour, morality, society, teacher, faith, research, relationship, student
Language of article: czech
Adolescents represent a mirror of all the society. With the support of the data acquired by the quantitative and the qualitative research we can say that the contemporary teenage generation is a good potential and a healthy element of our society. It is not necessary to correct the values and the attitudes of the young but it is to amend the very course of the educational process. There is no need to motivate the young to an orientation other than the hermeneutically and historically conditioned one. The improvement of the course and of the results of the educational process depends on the improvement of the relationship between a teacher and a student. The most important aim of the young is to set up a fully functional family. Tangible property is also important but only as a matter of providing the family, the basic unit of the society. The education of the respondents plays a specific count and choosing the school is closely involved with the intellectual family background. Czech youngsters don't derive their value ideas from the religious ones. The heteronomous morality principles (Ten Commandments, evangelical postulates of morality or postulates of supersensory ethic) still have a minimal bearing on the morality.
Marta Hošťálková
Mnichovská metoda v katechezi Václava Kubíčka
Klíčová slova: katecheze, školní katecheze, katecheta, Mnichovská metoda, předmět náboženství, biblické dějiny, katechismus
Jazyk článku: česky
Václav Kubíček and Munich Method in Catechisation
Keywords: catechisation, school catechisation, Munich method, school subject religion, biblical history, catechism
Language of article: czech
Václav Kubíček assumed that by introducing progressive teaching methods (for example Munich method, the so called Active school) with emphasis on the educational component in the teaching process and by involvement of the family and of the parish into the process of the school catechisation one will succeed in laying up the presumptions for the development of the life of the religion of pupils after leaving school. Exercising new pedagogic and psychological knowledge, stimuli of liturgical and catechetic movement, partially contributed to improving the quality of catechisation as religious education. The principal purpose of the failure of these efforts about the efficiency of catechisation consisted in abidance at its starting point: to realize catechisation both in the future in the milieu of the state school in spite of the fact that this milieu was at that time no longer favourable for catechisation.
Jana Fančovičová
Postoje žiakov k informačno-komunikačným technológiám
Klíčová slova: postoj, informačno-komunikačné technológie, vyučovanie, žiak, počítač
Jazyk článku: slovensky
Students´attitudes towards information-communication technologies
Keywords: attitudes, information-communications technologies, computer, children
Language of article: slovak
The aim of this study was to evaluate children´s attitudes towards information-communications technologies. The pupils completed a Likert - type attitude questionnaire based on 35 items. Attitudes toward ICT were positive and the results demonstrated significant differences in attitudes of males and females and between the primary schools. We found out that children were interested in ICT-supported teaching and learning.
René Szotkowski
Recenze : Internet ve škole ve světle výzkumu základních škol radomského regionu
Klíčová slova:
Jazyk článku: česky
Book Review : Internet w sokole w świetle badań gimnazjów regionu radomskiego
Language of article: czech
Jana Kašpárková
Recenze : Slovné hodnotenie žiakov dobrým slovom
Klíčová slova:
Jazyk článku: česky
Book Review : Slovné hodnotenie žiakov dobrým slovom
Language of article: czech