Volume 2007 / Issue 3
Jiří Mudrák, Kateřina Zábrodská
Die Fähigkeiten aus der Sicht des Einzelnen und der Gruppe: verschiedene Ergebnisse zu demselben Thema
Klíčová slova: Fähigkeiten, allgemeine Intelligenz, zielbewusste Übung, multiple Intelligenzen
Jazyk článku: německy
Abilities from the point of view of individuals or groups: different results on the same topic
Keywords: abilities, general intelligence, deliberate practice, multiple intelligences
Language of article: deutsch
Three directions of research on abilities are introduced in the article - theory of general intelligence, theory of deliberate practice and theories of more independent abilities. Impact of various sources of data and employed methods (especially from the perspective of dichotomy “qualitative-quantitative”) both on the origin of these theories and recommended educational practices is discussed.
Zuzana Haláková, Milan Kubiatko
Tvorivosť ako pozitívny atribút osobnosti budúceho učiteľa prírodovedných predmetov
Klíčová slova: tvorivosť, učitelia prírodovedných predmetov, dotazník tvorivosti.
Jazyk článku: slovensky
Creativity as a posisitive atribute of incoming science teacher´s characteristic
Keywords: creativity, science teachers, questionnaire of creativity.
Language of article: slovak
Nowadays the topic about the teachers´ competences, about making professional standards and about the competence teacher´s profile is very common and popular. There are made eminent demands on teachers now. Creativity is an ability, which should characterize all teachers, including them, who are being prepared for their profession. The priority for them should be the development, the formation of pupils´ character and motivation to study the subject as well. We are presenting the results of our research, which was done on an incoming teachers´ sample and there was used the questionnaire (Koberg, Bagnail 1974, translated according Lokšová, Lokša 1999) as a measuring tool for identification of their creativity level.
Boris Bošanský, Emília Fulková
Carl Ransom Rogers a jeho prínos pre psychologickú a pedagogickú teóriu a prax
Klíčová slova: Humanistická psychológia, C. R. Rogers, prístup zameraný na človeka, vzdelávanie zamerané na žiaka, akceptácia, empatia, kongruencia, úroveň cieľa výchovy a vzdelávania, obsahu vzdelávania, vyučovacích metód, podmienok a hodnotenia.
Jazyk článku: slovensky
Carl Ransom Rogers and his contribution to psychological and pedagogical theory and practice
Keywords: Humanistic psychology, C. R. Rogers, person centered approach, person centered education, acceptation, empathy, congruence, aim of education aspect, content of education aspect, teaching methods aspect, conditions aspect and assessment aspect.
Language of article: slovak
The article is concentrated on C. R. Rogers and his legacy and significance for the present. It places him to a concrete psychological flow and shows his place in pedagogical theories. It submits some of attributes that lead to formation and achievement of a position in the field of psychology and pedagogy. The article is published with support of Comenius Uni-versity in Bratislava, Grant UK/61/2007.
Marcela Roubalová
Recenze : P. Václav Kubíček jako katecheta a katechetik
Klíčová slova:
Jazyk článku: česky
Book Review : P. Václav Kubíček jako katecheta a katechetik
Language of article: czech